Erik Furtado

Interested in Hearing About Me, Here You Go!

Born in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, the Ocean State is all I’ve known growing up, but even in such a small place, my dreams were always big.

Although in love with graphic design now, my heart wasn’t always set on this field. One of the biggest decisions in my life looking back was the High School I chose to go to. William M. Davies, Jr. Career & Technical High School was where I was first exposed to graphic design. There my teacher Mrs. Meyers laid the foundations of my design process that I still carry with me today. But deciding on a path to pursue was hard for me growing up and even after high school I wasn’t entirely sure graphic design was the right for me.

College was where my passion for design would grow. Expanding upon and rediscovering the principles and software I learned in High School while being offered challenging and fun design problems were what sold me on the graphic design field.

erik furtado working 1
erik furtado working 2

What Motivates Me?

My main motivation is growth. I am someone that is always ready to learn something new. Adding tools to my repertoire gives me the excitement to design everyday. Being able to adapt my approach in order to solve a challenge is a valuable part of who I am as a designer, and I’ll stop at nothing till I design my way out of a problem.

Whether it’s spending hours prototyping, or struggling to get the design just right, I live for those feelings of perseverance. Those are the moments that require adaptability and determination and I am always open to the challenge.

Evolution of My Logo (And Me) Over Time

high school logo

High School Logo (2019)

College – Freshman Year (2022)

College – Sophomore Year (2023)

Current Logo (2024)