Erik Furtado

10 Mile River Greenway

Branding for Local Bike Path and Developing New Bike Kiosks and Mile Markers


Challenged with a new category of design, wayfinding and signage, I had a slow start to this project. With the requirements of the project being to develop signage and a kiosk with a digital feature, I was very lost with where to take this. Ultimately, I decided to stay local and design around the Ten Mile River Greenway, which is a 5-minute drive from my house.

Design Approach

The current greenway lacked branding, so in order to tackle this project I needed to start there. Inspired by national parks, I developed a badge style logo with a limited color palette consisting mostly of greens and cream. To add variety, I created a logo system and an alternative logo lockup that was a wordmark rather than a badge.

With the branding finished, I begin developing the kiosk. Since the greenway is used primarily by bikers, I kept them in mind when coming up with the features of the kiosk. My main idea was to link the features of the kiosk to a free membership card as a way to lock up things from the outdoors and hold members accountable if things went missing or broke. Some elements of my kiosk include a phone charger station, air pump, and tire repair kits. The kiosk also features a bench under an awning to provide riders and walkers with a place to rest and protect themselves from the sun or rain. The Digital component I added was a map that could provide users with the ETA of their journey based on where they select.

After completing my kiosk design, I moved onto the signage. Having no experience in this department I researched for a lot of inspiration. The first sign I designed was a simple mile marker that also informed individuals of the nearest kiosk. The other sign I created was a welcome sign. This sign could be placed at each end of the greenway and inform people of the length and estimated time it would take walking and biking.

Wrapping Things Up

This project was very challenging but ultimately, I am happy with the results. It was nice to have the chance to do something for a place near to me that I have been to. This project had me doing a lot of research and asking a lot of questions on wayfinding and kiosks to get to my final product and allowed me to learn about a new category of design I had no previous experience with. Having a project like this in my portfolio expands my skills and helps me toward my goal of being a multifaceted designer.

Programs Used:

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop



Fields of Focus:

Branding, Wayfinding